Password reissue

1.Password reissue

You should reissue the new password by yourself.

(1)Access to Foyer(


Recommended environments(OS Web browser) are following.

Table 1:Recommended environments(OS,Web browser)
OS Web Browser
Windows7 IE11
Windows8.1 IE11
Windows7 Firefox 38.x.x
Windows7 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
MacOS10.10 Apple Safari8
MacOS10.10 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
Andoroid4.4 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
iOS8 Apple Safari8

Signin page is displayed like following.


Fig.1: Sign In page

(2)Click on “Forgot your Password?”

Password reissue page is displayed like following.


Fig.2: Password reissue page

(3)You should input a E-mail adress that is registered,and click on “OK”

When E-mail about reissue password is sent, the following page is displayed.


Fig.3: Reissue completed page

The following e-mail you will receive the appropriate address.


Fig.4:reissue E-mail

The following is displayed in case of an error.

表2:error pattern of reissue
Error Message Error Values
E-Mail:Format of the e-mail address is invalid. If input syntax is different from E-mail adress syntax,it is displayed
This e-mail address is not registered If input E-mail adress is not registered,it is displayed

(4)Input UserID(E-mail) and temporary password at Foyer(

When input UserID(E-mail) and temporary password,you transition to top reissue password page.please refer to Account Registration