Search titles¶
1.Filtering by genres¶
When you filter genres,you should click “genre” at header.
When you click on “genre”,genre select area is opened
If you click on “genre” again, genre select area close.
When you click on [Genre Name],you transition to search result page of the [Genre Name].
If there isn’t any titles in selected genres, you refer to this page.
2.Advanced Search¶
When you want to know the details of titles, you should click on “search”.
When you click on?gsearch?h, Advanced Search area is oped like this.
If you click on “search” again, search select area is closed.
You can input at Advanced Search page like this.
items | Description |
Genres | select at the other form |
Content type | select at the other form |
Production contry | select at the other form |
Production Year | select years |
Language | select at the other form |
Keywords | Free words |
When you click on “select” in genres area,the genre select page is opened. You should check and click on “OK”.
If you click on “cancel”,this page is closed.
When you click on “select” in content types area,the contant type select page is opened You should check and click on “OK”.
If you click on “cancel”,page is close.
When you click on “select” in production country area,the production country select page is opened You should check and click on “OK”.
When you click on alphabets at top of the page,jump to area initials of it.
If you click on “cancel”,page is close.
If you want designate the production year,you should select year by dropdown.
When you click on “select” in language area,language select page is opened You should check and click on “OK”.
When you click alphabets at top of the page,you can jump to the area of its initials.
If you click on “cancel”,page is close.
If you want to search by keywords, you should input keywords.
It is possible to And search if you separated words by a space.
The target of keyword search is title or keywords
After you enter any or all of the above, you can details of the search When you click the “Search”.
If you click on “cancel”,page is close.
When you select the “More filters” in the search results page,details of the search page will open conditions can be changed and re-search.