To sign In

1.To sign In

(1)Access to Foyer( by web browser.


The combination of preferred OS and the Web browser is the following.

Table1:preferred OS and Web browser
OS Web browser
Windows8.1 IE11
Windows7 Firefox 38.x.x
Windows7 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
MacOS10.10 Apple Safari8
MacOS10.10 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
Andoroid4.4 Google Chrome43.x.x.x
iOS8 Apple Safari8


If your web browser is Windows, Foyer’s movie player is Flash player.If your Flash Player is not latest version,displayed error message is “Error: unsupported video type of invalid file path”.So, you should download from Adobe’s homepage ( and update it.

Sign in page is displayed like following.


Fig.1:Signin page

(2)Click on “SignIn”after you input to UserID(E-mail) and password..


If you check the box of [Save ID],it will be in the state of keeping your user ID (E-mail) at the next login.


If you forgot your password,you can re-entry after [Forgot your Password?].Click Password reissue for details.

If you are interim registration user,you transition to registration page.Click Account Registration for details. If you are registrated user,you transition to top page. The following message is displayed in case of an error.

Table 2:Error pattern of signin
Error Messages Error values
User ID:Required fields User ID is No Input.Please enter the User ID.
Password:Required fields Password is No Input.Please enter the Password.
There was a problem with your request. There was an error with your E-Mail/Password combination. Please try again. User ID or Password is a bit rough values.