Registration of titles

You can register your contents by 2 layers(titles,episodes).


This function is restricted to only user of licensor editor role.


You can register movies for titles and episodes.please refer to Register movies .

1.Registration of titles

(1)Sign in to Foyer


If you want to know how to sign in,please refer to To sign In .

If you have already registered,you transition to top page.

(2)Click on the [User Name] in the upper right corner to display the menu. Menu when you click the [User Name] in the upper right corner will slide in from the right

(3)Click on “My contents”.
select “My contents” from menu in the right area.

Fig.1:Link to My contents

When you click a “My contents”, you transition to the contents page.

(4)Click on “Register New Titles”
Click on “Register New Titles”in the upper right corner.

Fig.2:Link to Register New titles

(5)Input necessary information,and click on “Save”

Input item is the following.


Fig.3:Input item of titles(1)

Table 1:Input item of titles(1)
Items Must Value
1.MetadataTypes   Select metadata types
  1. Priority
  Specify the display order of titles on company information page with half-width numbers
3.Title(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) title name.
4.Title(English) Input English title name.
5.Title Images   Select an image to use as thumbnail of title.
6.Synopsis(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) synopsis.
7.Synopsis(English)   Input English synopsis.
8.Cast/Staff(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) cast/staff.
9.Cast/Staff(English)   Input English cast/staff.

Fig.4:Input item of titles(2)

Table 2:Input item of titles(2)
Items Must Value
10.Additional Info(Local)(Japanese)   Additional information about Japan(or local area).
11.Additional Info(Local)(English)   Additional information about English area.
12.Genres   You can select multiple genres of title.
13.Content types   You can select multiple content types.
14.Copyright   Input a copyright


Depending on the metadata type you select, items in the input form change partly.


Fig.5:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type:movie

Table 3:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type:movie
Items Must Value
15.Original Language Select the language which is most used in this title
16.Original Rating Select rating types and rating name about this title
17.Dubbed Select the presence or absence of a dubbed.If it is presence,select a dubbed language.
18.Subtitle Select the presence or absence of a subtitle.If it is presence,select a subtitle language.
19.Original Release Date   Select the release date in production country.
20.Broadcast System Select Yes/No of HD.Select Yes/No of SD.Select multiple broadcast systems.Input the duration of features.
21.Awards   Enter the award-winning award, winning event, award-winning name
22.ID   Enter ID unique to each licensor. Enter ID of IMDb (
23.Production country   Select the multiple production the production year.
24.Rights Select the country that holds the right. Select the type of rights. Enter the start date and end date of the right.

Fig.6:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type:TV


Fig.7:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type: music

Table 5:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type: music
Items Must Value
35.Episodes   Total episode numbers of this title.
36.Original Language   Select the language which is most used in this title
37.Original Release Date   Select the release date in production country.
38.Awards   Enter the award-winning award, winning event, award-winning name
39.Production country   Select the multiple production the production year.

Fig.8:Input item of titles(3) Metadata type: other


Fig.9:Input item of titles(4)

Table 7:Input item of titles(4)
Items Must Value keyword   Multiple keywords to be searched for when searching
51.Additional Info(Common)   Enter additional information on the work as a whole

When you input items and click “Save”,this title will be registered with a shared range as “Private” status.

The following is displayed in case of an error.

Table 8:Error pattern of register new title
Error Messages Error Values
Title (English):Required fields If “title(English)” is empty,it is displayed.
Content Types:Please select more than 1 If “Content Types” is not selected,it is displayed.
Copy right:Required fields If “Copyright”is empty,it is displayed
Original Rating:Please select If “Rating Type” or “Rating Name” is not selected,it is displayed
Original Language:Please select If “Original language”is not selected,it is displayed.
Encoding System:Please select more than 1 If “Encording system”is not selected,it is displayed.
Year:Please select If “Production Year”is not selected,it is displayed.
Rights(n):Please select If “Rights”is not selelcted at n lines,it is displayed.
Title (Japanese):Please input within 300 characters If number of charactors of “Title(Japanese)” more than 300,it is displayed
Title (English):Please input within 300 characters If number of charactors of “Title(English)” more than 300,it is displayed
Please select PNG | JPGfiles If you selectother than JPG and PNG,it is disolayed.
File size is 2 MB or less If you selected image file that filesize is over 2MB,it is displayed
Synopsis(Japanese):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Synopsis(Japanese)” more than 2000,it is displayed
Synopsis(English):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Synopsis(English) more than 2000,it is displayed
Cast/Staff(Japanese):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Cast/Staff(Japanese)” more than 2000,it is displayed
Cast/Staff(English):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Cast/Staff(English)” more than 2000,it is displayed
Additional Info (Local)(Japanese):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Additional Info (Local)(Japanese)” more than 2000,it is displayed
Additional Info (Local)(English):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Additional Info (Local)(English)” more than 2000,it is displayed
Copyright:Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Copyright” more than 2000,it is displayed
Dubbed:Required fields If “Dubbed”is “Yes”and “Dubbed language”is not selected,it is displayed.
Subtitle:Required fields If “Subtitle”is “Yes”and “Subtitle language”is not selected,it is displayed.
Original Release Date:There is an error in the input. If “year” or “Month” or “Day” in “Original Release Date” is not selected,it is displayed
Duration:Please enter in the range of 9,999 from the 1 If “duration” is out of range ,it is displayed
Number of times(n):Please enter in single-byte number If “Number of times” in “Awards” area is not single-byte number,it is displayed
Awards:There is an error in the input. If each items input type is not match in “Awards”,it is displayed
Event Name(n):Please input within 200 characters If number of charactors of “Event Name” in “Awards” area more than 200,it is displayed
Award Name(n):Please input within 200 characters If number of charactors of “Award Name” in “Awards” area more than 200,it is displayed
Vender ID:Please input within 200 characters If number of charactors of “Vender ID” area more than 200,it is displayed
IMDb:The format of the file is not correct If “IMDbID” format is not match,it is displayed.
IMDb ID:Please input within 20 characters If number of charactors of “IMDbID” area more than 20,it is displayed
Rights(n):If you choose the right country, right types kind is required If “contry” is selected and “Types” is not selected,it is displayed
Rights(n):Start date There is an error in the input. If “year” or “Month” or “Day” in “Rights” is not selected,it is displayed
Rights(n):End date There is an error in the input. If “year” or “Month” or “Day” in “Rights” is not selected,it is displayed
Keywords:Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Keywords” more than 2000,it is displayed
Additional Info (Common):Please input within 2000 characters If number of charactors of “Additional Info (Common)” more than 2000,it is displayed

2.Registration of episodes


If you have registered the title is the parent of the episode, you can be registered the episode.

(1)Sign in to Foyer


If you want to know how to sign in,please refer to To sign In .

If you were already user registration ,you transition to top page.

(2)Click on the [User Name] in the upper right corner to display the menu. Menu when you click the [User Name] in the upper right corner will slide in from the right

(3)Click on “My contents”.
select “My contents” from menu in the right area.

Fig.1:Link to My contents

When you click a “My contents”, you transition to the contents page.

(4)Click on “Edit” of appropriate title
Click on “Edit” in the right corner of appropriate title

Fig.9:Link to Title configuration page

(5)Click on “Add Episodes” When you click on “Add Episodes” at episode area,you transition to episode edit page.


Fig.8:Link to Episode edit page

(6)Input necessary information,and click on “Save”
Input item is the following.

Fig.10:Input item of episodes(1)

Table 7:Input item of episodes(1)
Items Must Values
1.shared with Select by “All”、”Valued Customer”、”Private”
2.Title(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) episode name.
3.Title(English) Input English episode name.
4.Episode Image   Select an image to use as thumbnail of episode.
5.Synopsis(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) synopsis.
6.Synopsis(English)   Input English synopsis.
7.Cast/Staff(Japanese)   Input Japanese (or local language) cast/staff.
8.Cast/Staff(English)   Input English cast/staff.

Fig.11:Input item of episdes(2)

Table 8:Input item of episodes(2)
Items Must Values
9.Additional Info(Local)(Japanese)   Additional information about Japan(or local area).
10.Additional Info(Local)(English)   Additional information about English area.
11.Copyrights Input a copyrights
12.Episode No. Input a episode number
13.Original Rating Select ratingtype and rating name about this episode
14.ID   Input on licenser’s uniquely-required ID.Input on IMDb( ID.
15.Original Release Date   Select the release date in production country.
16.Rights Select conuntry which reserves the right.Select rights types.Input on startdate and enddate.

Fig.12:Input item of episdes(3)

Table 9:Input item of episodes(3)
Items Must Values
17.Duration   Input a duration(min).
18.Additional Info (Common)   Input on additional information for detail.

When you input items and click “Save”,this episode will be registered.

The following is displayed in case of an error.