Send a new message

You can contact to company(Licensor/Licensee) you want to talk about business. It means you can negotiate safety.Because you can negotiate without tellingl them personal information (phone number and e-mail address).

1.Send a new message

When you click a contact icon(like a letter mark)at any pages,You can create a new message.

(1)Sign in to Foyer


If you want to know how to sign in,please refer to To sign In .

If you have already registered,you transition to top page.

(2)Open the “create new message” page at any page.

You can create a new message from the following icon in the company information page and title information page.


Fig.1:Link to “New message form” at title information page


Fig.2:Link to “New message form” at company page

It opens the same new message form from any page.


Fig.3:Link to “New message form” at company page

(3)Input subject, body, and click “OK” Inputted content will be sent to the representative e-mail address of the destination companies


Fig.4:Mail of receive a new message


If you want to know haw to return message and browse message logs,click Reply to message