To sign In
1.To sign In
Password reissue
1.Password reissue
Account Registration
1.Account Registration
Received the invitation,registration of account(Licensee only)
1.Received the invitation,registration of account
Search titles
1.Filtering by genres
2.Advanced Search
Browse Titles
1.Browse title infomation of newest titles.
2.Browse a title information with narrow down to the condition.
3.Browse titles of specific licenser.
4.Browse titles are registered in my list
Preview movies.
1.Preview movies
Browse company information
Register mylist
1.Register “titles” to Mylist.
2.Register “Companies” to Mylist.
Edit Mylist
1.Delete “Titles” or “Companies” in “My Lists”
2.Browse “Titles” or “companies” in My Lists.
Invitation of Licensee
1.Invitation of Licensee
Edit my company information
1.Edit my company information
2.Request for adding licensor role
3.Register licensee role
Register new user
1.Register new user
Edit users
1.Edit use information
2.Delete users
Edit my account
1.Edit account information(User name,Password,Timezone)
Registration of titles
1.Registration of titles
2.Registration of episodes
Edit titles
1.Edit share range
2.Edit titles
3.Delete titles.
4.Delete part of titles.
Register movies
1.Upload movies to “Library”
2.Associate movies to the title.
3.Associate movies to the episode.
Edit movie status
1.Change of share range about movies
2.Delete movies
Use message board(Licensee)
1.Post message to message board.
2. Edit shared range
3. Delete shared range
Use message board(Licenser)
1.Viewing message obard
2.Searching the post
3. Contact for Licensee
Send a new message
1.Send a new message
Reply to message
1.Browse contact logs
2.Reply to message
Browse the title logs or movie logs.
1.Browse logs
2. resend a invitation mail/
Change of language
1.Change language
Browse the FAQ page
1.Browse the FAQ page
Browse the policies(Coming soon)
1.Browse the policies
Do Inquiry
1.Do Inquiry
2.Send notice of withdrawal
3.Report of illegal activity
To Sign out
1.To sign out
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